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Training, fine tuning, inference.
The decentralized Machine Learning and AI platform.
Join the BETA
Contribute your GPUs
Join the BETA for FREE
Train model
Train model & rent GPU
Train model & rent GPU
Earn rewards
Contribute your GPUs to the network to earn early adopter rewards
Contribute your GPUs to the network to earn early adopter rewards
We’ve created a machine learning platform powered by a global GPU network.
Get access to the platform with free $ credits
Rent a
Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine
Want to access a machines directly? We’re going to be offering the ability to rent GPUs from our network, SSH in and have complete control.
Try it now
Distributed training
Distributed training
Distributed training
for your own models
Train your own models on the platform, we’ll find the compute from our network and distribute the code for you. Only pay for the training time you use, no hidden costs.
Try it now
Google Colab
Google Colab
Google Colab
support to get you started
Use Google Colab to make sure your code runs, then create a training job in NetMind Power.
Try it now
Idle GPUs?
Add them to the Power network to earn.
Register your interest
Coming Soon
No code solution for
Fine Tuning
Fine Tuning
Fine Tuning
Choose from our extensive library of base models and fine tune to your needs.
Simply upload your dataset and we’ll handle the rest.
Deploy and inference
Deploy and inference
Deploy and inference
your model in production
Deploy your models for inference, whether trained or fine-tuned on our platform. Choose from batch prediction or live endpoint methods. We’re also working on the ability to publish your models for others to use, giving you the ability to earn.
Join our Discord
1. Stay up-to-date with firsthand product updates and informations 2. Leave your feedback and request new features 3. Get quick tech support for model training task